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SRF Gen3


A Spec Racer Ford GEN3 is an SRF with 25% more horsepower and 150-pounds less weight behind the roll hoop than a standard SRF GEN2.

In other words, it;s an SRF that accelerates harder, brakes later, and covers a lap between three and six seconds faster (depending on the race course) – and it sounds really nice, too.

When can I race a SRF Gen3?


Starting January 2015, and for 2016-’17, there will be two recognized separate classes, usually sharing a race group. GEN3 will be called SFR3, and the 1.9L cars will still be SRF.


There will be separate and equal Runoffs races if car counts support it.


In 2018, we plan to accept the remaining running 1.9L SRFs back into the GEN3 class with no adjustments. If significant interest exists, your Division may still offer a local class. The dingle class with once again be called SpecRacer®Ford.



Do I have to buy a race car to race?


No. In fact, we recommend you work with your CSR first. He can set you up with a SRF rental. This gives you a chance to find out if driving and this car is really for you, before that investment is made.



What about parts?


One of the best services the CSRs offer is their presence with parts at every SCCA event. With the SRF, you don’t have to go home early because you don’t have a needed part.



What is a Customer Service Representative (CSR)?


The customer service representative (CSR) is your contact with the world of racing and specifically the SRF. A nation wide system of support and information. The CSRs are a group of independent businesses that specialize in the SRF. Each offers New and used car sales, rentals, parts, and maintenance as well as lots of guidance. Give them a call, they can get you started in racing.



I am not mechanically inclined but I want to drive…


Don’t worry, not only can the CSR assemble the car for you, but they can maintain it , set it up, and even deliver it to the track for you. This is called Arrive and Drive. Other drivers like to do this work themselves. That’s fine, the CSR is still there with advice and parts.



Is the Spec Racer Ford a Kit?


Yes, the car is delivered in kit form. Everything except the battery and engine oil is included. You have everything else to put the car on the track, even the tires. If you put it together yourself, many do, expect to spend 80 to 100 hours. The CSRs will also assemble the car for you. They will charge $3,000 to $4,000, depending on fancy paint jobs, etc.


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